Name: Zrinka Erent-Sunko
Position: Associate professor, Head of the Department of General History of Law and State, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
Nationality: Croatian
Employment Record:
2014-: Associate Professor, Senior Research Associate, Faculty of Law., University of Zagreb, Croatia
2008-2014: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
2003-2008: Senior Assistant, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
1997-2003: Assistant, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
1991-1997: Counsellor, Executive Council, City of Zagreb
2007- Ph.D. in Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
2003- M.Sc. in Family Law (Postgraduated Studies-Civil Science), Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
1990- in Law , Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb
Other Trainings:
1984-1989: adminstrative bussines, Intertrade, IBM Agency, Ciba Agency
Membership in Professional Associations:
Member of Croatian International Law Society
Member of Croatian-Canadian Academic Society
Memeber of the international editorial staff of the scientific journal „Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2009-2013)
Selected bibliography (max 5 titles)
1. two scientific monographies: Pravni položaj žene kroz povijest i suvremeno europsko obiteljsko pravo (Legal position of women in the past and in the modern european family law), Zagreb, 2004. ; Atenske demokratske institucije i njihov odraz na socijalne pojave (Democratic institutions of Athena and their influence on the social appearances), Zagreb, 2008.
2. Migration des idees du droit civil: Rome – France –Quebec, coauthorship with Ivana Jaramaz Reskušić, published in: Migration, Globalization, Hibridity: Canadian and Croatian experiences / Migration, globalisation, hybridite: experiences canadiennes at Croates, published by Croatian-Canadian Academic Society, Zagreb, 2010, p. 93-110.
3.L’Emphyteusis comme exemple de migration des idees dans le droit civil: Rome – France – Quebec, coauthorship with Ivana jaramaz Reskušić, published in: Social and Cultural Implications of Multiculturalism/ Implications sociales et culturelles du multiculturalisme, Zagreb 2011, p. 45-63.
4.La superficies – de Rome, a travers Paris, jusqu’au Quebec, coauthorship with Ivana Jaramaz Reskušić, published in: Canadian History, Space and Political Institutions/ L’histoire, l’espace et les institutions politiques du Canada, Zagreb, 1012-2013, p. 9-37.
5.The Great Depression and the Rise of the Authoritarian Regimes in the Balkans in 1930s, coauthorship with Meta Ahtik and Ozren Pilipović,
Languages: English, Italian, German, Latin, Old Greek
Countries of Work Experience: Croatia
Research interest: legal history, gender equality, civil law, family law, connection: economy- law, former communist countries law, integrations, mobbing